This is the first post in which I have not made up the subject of the post. I am writing about Oyasumi Bakura, or Sumi, my unofficial nickname. Sumi was created by San-X, an awesome Japanese cutemaking company. Oyasumi Nasai means good night in Japanese, and Oyasumi is more informal, used with family. Now, a baku is a dream spirit that eats nightmares, or a normal malayan tapir. But a makura is a pillow, so bakura is a pun. Sumi also has a blog! If you like mine, you should definitely look at Sumi's! there are actually some strange simalarities... well, please go to
Hai Halvow! Thank you fo givan me moar pubicy-tee. Alzo, just ta clarify, Sumi is not yor nickname, it is da one you gave me. pleez come ta meh blooooooooooog!