Monday, May 23, 2011


SAVE THE TAPIRS! (they're endangered) Okay, I drew this because my dad wanted another tapir picture for his blog, tapirrific. Do you think their long face is for ripping leaves off trees or smelling flowers? It would work for both.


  1. Halvor, you are not only a good artist but also a good son. I would also like to point out that this tapir could be Sulu's pet. Or maybe even Spock's bodyguard. Keep up the good work and I still have that fine point Sharpie if you ever want it. Your friend, Jenni

  2. Thanks for the awesome tapir, Halvor! I used the "T" from your font as the little navigation icon for my blog.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello I really like your drawing! I am in 8th grade and would like to use it for a website that I am making about the Baird's Tapir for school. Would you let me use it?
