Sunday, October 16, 2011


I'm really sorry I haven't  posted in five months, but I have been drawing! I just... haven't... really posted anything.  But this is a picture of Nichiasmon, a dragon that used to be part of Avandion, a gihugic* serpent that, when fighting some big scary monster to restore peace to the world, was split into Nichiasmon and Sofrastion with a sword named... NA. In their world, all of these words are said differently, so that's why I made them look different here. 
So, Nichiasmon and that other dragon/serpent were ruling their world (called Klamdo), but Nichiasmon wanted to see if they were "alone in the universe/multiverse" so he opened a bridge, pulling the spacetime of our universe towards theirs,  causing gravity to pull some matter into a star. Unfortunately this star stopped Nichiasmon from reaching us, and various other problems in Klamdo. Eventually, the star went supernova (would you expect a star formed from that much gravity be low-mass?) and then this is a picture of everything escaping. Will they reach us? Yes, but probably next year.

* I know gihugic isn't a word, but that's what they called him!

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